展示室13 - Photo Gallery 13


The Small Nation that Governed the World

(Amsterdam and the Hague, 1998 and 2001)

  Amsterdam and the Hague, the Netherlands
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The Netherlands, a small European country, enjoyed the golden era in 17th Century.  With the then population not more than 2 million ruled the seas in Asia and gathered the wealth.  The famous East India Company was established around 1600, just about the same time when Tokugawa opened the new government in Japan.  Their footprints reached Indonesia, Taiwan and Japan.
The Netherlands literally mean the low lands.  Most of their lands are below the sea level that would be submerged if there were not for dykes.  The Netherlands encompass cities that were built with dykes and drainage canals; and agricultural lands that were built on reclaimed lands with wind mills to dewater.
The Netherlands today are not a world superpower, but provide comfortable small cities compatible to human scales.

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.


1 アムステルダム中央駅 − Central Station of Amsterdam

2 アムステルダム市の市電 ― The Tram in Amsterdam

3 運河沿いの連棟住宅 − Terraced Houses along a Canal, Amsterdam


4 オープン・マーケット − An Open Market, Amsterdam
 チューリップの球根 − Tulip Bulbs


アントニウスの門 − St. Antonius Gate, Amsterdam

運河沿いの住宅 − Terraced Houses along a Canal, Amsterdam


風車 − A Windmill

キューケンホフ公園 − Keukenhof Park 


10 キューケンホフ公園のカフェ − A Cafe at Keukenhof Park

11 騎士の館 − Cavalier's Mansion 


12 チェス ― Chess Players

Data <All images are digitized by Kodak Photo CD service>
13-1 The Central Station, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, March 2001/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
13-2 The Tram Station, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, March 2001/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
13-3 The Terraced Houses, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, March 2001/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
13-4 An Open Market, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, March 2001/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
13-5 Flower Market, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, March 2001/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
13-6 Amsterdam, the Netherlands, March 1998/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
13-7 Amsterdam, the Netherlands, March 1998/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
13-8 Kuckenhof, the Netherlands, May 2001/Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX
13-9 Kuckenhof, the Netherlands, May 2001/Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX
13-10 Kuckenhof, the Netherlands, May 2001/Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX
13-11 The Hague, the Netherlands, March 1998/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
13-12 Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 2001/Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX

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