展示室19 - Photo Gallery 19
The University Town from the Medieval Period
Oxford, United Kingdom

Oxford, United Kingdom
This map is courtesy of Mapquest.
Mapquest provides detail map



    Located about an hour of train ride from Paddington Station, London, Oxford is an 800 year old university town.  The history of a university traces back to 11 to 12 centuries when students gathered from around Europe to study the clerics, which became the university in early part of 13th century.  Ever afterwards, the Oxford University has been a leading academic instituition in England, or in the world, together with Cambridge University.  Oxford is not a single institution, but a collection of more than 30 colleges.
    In the town, light grayish stone buildings apparently hundreds of years old are to be seen here and there.  Some paths have the pavement with a similar texture.  In a patio, a hundreds year old tree are stretching trunks.  A walk in Oxford is full of the medieval feeling.

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1 バスターミナル The Bus Terminal

2 街並み ― Townscape

3 石畳 − A Cobbled Lane


4 ラドクリフ・カメラ(図書館) − Radcliffe Camera, the Library
 中庭の時計塔 − Clock Tower in the Patio


ため息橋 − The Bridge of Sighs

 ワーハム大司教の肖像− Poartrait of William Warham, Archibishop of Cantabery


街を行くサイクリスト − A Cyclist in the City 

恋人たちのいる緑地 − A Park for Lovers


10 街角 − On the Corner

11 ハイ・ストリート − High Street 


12 老木 ― An Old Tree

Data <All images are digitized by Kodak Photo CD service>
19-1 High Street, Oxford, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film ED-3
19-2 St. Mary's Church, Oxford, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film ED-3
19-3 Oxford, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film ED-3
19-4 Oxford, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film ED-3
19-5 Corpus Chiristi, Oxford, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film ED-3
19-6 Bridge of Sighes, Oxford, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film ED-3
19-7 New College, Oxford, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film ED-3
19-8 Oxford, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film ED-3
19-9 Oxford, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film ED-3
19-10 High Street, Oxford, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film ED-3
19-11 High Street, Oxford, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film ED-3
19-12 Oxford, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film ED-3

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