展示室24 - Photo Gallery 24
小国スイスは環境大国をめざす チューリッヒ&ルツェルン
Switzerland Pursues Environmental Conservation
Zurich and Luzern, Switzerland

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February 7, 2004

.    About 7 years ago, I set out for a unusual tour to see the Donau (Danube) river from its origin in Germany to its estuary to the Donau Delta in Romania.  I will put up separate sets to cover the photos of this tour soon, and meanwhile in this issue I will show the photos of Switzerland which was the port to Europe of this tour.;
    Switzerland is a small nation inhabited by 7 million people.  Surrounded by powerful countries such as Germany, France and Italy, Switzerland pursued to be a neutral state to stay away from any wars and conflicts.  Switzerland thus might have served as a path-finder for the post-war Japan.
    The three quarters of the land of Switzerland is said to be lakes and mountains, including the Alps, and tourism has been their staple industry for long.  Recently, they more emphasize the environmental protection to preserve the gifted natural beauty for tourism, by implementing recycling of cans, bottles and PET bottles, repressing the use of automobiles by designating "no automobile day", introducing trams to urban transport, and utilizing natural techniques for river engineering.  In order for Switzerland to continue attracting tourists from around the world, strict enforcement of environmental protection measures are a must.  

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.


1 緑に覆われた住宅 A house covered with green in Zurich

2  オフィスも緑の中 ― Office is also in the greenery

3 花壇の散水 − Sprinkling water to flower beds

4 緑の世話役 − Care taker of greenery
 分別収集  Selective garbage collection 


公園の水飲み − A fountain in a park

 荒れ狂う川− The roaring river in Luzern


欧州最古の木橋 − The Europe's oldest wooden bridge

白鳥のいる湖 − A lake with swans


10 白鳥と戯れる − Playing with swans

11 何があるのかな− What's inside?


12 湖畔のポプラ並木 ― Poplar trees lining the lake

Data <All images with "*" are digitized by Kodak Picture CD service from negatives;
All others were degitized by Kodak Photo CD service from prositives>

24-1* Zurich, Switzerland, June 1996/ Nikon Teletouch 35mm Kodak Negative Film G100-5
24-2* Zurich, Switzerland, June 1996/ Nikon Teletouch 35mm Kodak Negative Film G100-5
24-3* Zurich, Switzerland, June 1996/ Nikon Teletouch 35mm Kodak Negative Film G100-5
24-4* Zurich, Switzerland, June 1996/ Nikon Teletouch 35mm Kodak Negative Film G100-5
24-5* Zurich, Switzerland, June 1996/ Nikon Teletouch 35mm Kodak Negative Film G100-5
24-6* Zurich, Switzerland, June 1996/ Nikon Teletouch 35mm Kodak Negative Film G100-5
24-7 Luzern, Switzerland, June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Kodak EBX
24-8 Luzern, Switzerland, June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Kodak EBX
24-9 Luzern, Switzerland, June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Kodak EBX
24-10 Luzern, Switzerland, June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Kodak EBX
24-11 Luzern, Switzerland, June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Kodak EBX
24-12* Luzern, Switzerland, June 1996/ Nikon Teletouch 35mm Kodak Negative Film G100-5

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