展示室25 - Photo Gallery 25
The World's First "Garden City" -
Letchworth, United Kingdom

Letchworth, United Kingdom
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 19世紀後半、イギリスの都市は汚れて混雑していた。工場労働はきつく、住宅は狭い。そんな時代に、労働者でも住み心地よい郊外住宅が手ごろな値段で手に入ることを夢見た男がいた。社会改革家エベネザー・ハワード(1850 - 1928)だ。

   In the latter part of 19th century, cities in England was dirty and crowded.  Work at factories were tough, and the houses were small.  There was a man who had a dream that the workers would afford a decent suburban house at a reasonable price.  This man was a social reformist by the name of Ebnezer Howard (1850 - 1928).  
    In 1989, Howard published a book entitled 
"Tomorrow a Peaceful Path to Real Reform", which in later years became a bible of garden city movement.  In the center is a mother city, accompanied by small, satellite cities.  Satellite cities are surrounded by permanent parks and agricultural lands.  Howard called them "Garden Cities".  The concept proliferated worldwide, with experiences here and there, including Japan.
    Howard did not make this just a dream.  He often lectured to the public about the Garden City.  As the idea became popular, he bought vast land in two locations north of London, and started development of garden cities.  The first Garden City in the world was Letchworth, opened in 1903.  Two town planners, Unwin and Parker, did the designing of the town and houses.  The building which they used as their office in Letchworth has been preserved and now houses the World's First Garden City Museum.
    I had a chance to visit Letchworth, located at about an hour's train ride from London on the way to Cambridge.  It is said that the designing of Letchworth utilizes the wisdom of medieval English cities.   Gentle curvature in road alignment provides changing scenery as you walk.  Other roads gently go up and down, following the meandering of the original topography.  There are parks and commons here and there, giving the city with greenery.  After a century of the opening, the Garden City is real, rooted in the grounds of England.

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1 世界最初の田園都市 The World's First Garden City

2 田園都市駅 ― The Garden City Station 

3 駐車場屋上からの俯瞰 − An Overview from Parking Tower Roof


4 ショッピング・アーケード − Shopping Arcade
5 夢の郊外住宅 − A Dream Suburban Cottage coming true


6 コミュニティーセンター − Community Center


 田園都市博物館− The World's First Garden City Museum


田園都市生みの親ハワード − Howard, the Father of Garden City

9 緩やかにカーブする道 − A Gently Curving Street


10 広場 − The Town Square

11 コモン=共有緑地 − A Common, green area for all


12 公園 ― The Park

Data <All images are digitized by Kodak Photo CD service from the original  positives>
25-1 Letchworth, United Kindom, June 2003/ / Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Fuji RHPIII
25-2 Letchworth, United Kindom, June 2003/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Fuji RHPIII
25-3 Letchworth, United Kindom, June 2003/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Fuji RHPIII
25-4 Letchworth, United Kindom, June 2003/ Bessa R L-Pentax 43mm Fuji RHPIII
25-5 Letchworth, United Kindom, June 2003/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Fuji RHPIII
25-6 Letchworth, United Kindom, June 2003/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Fuji RHPIII
25-7 Letchworth, United Kindom, June 2003/ Bessa R L-Pentax 43mm Fuji RHPIII
25-8 Letchworth, United Kindom, June 2003/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Fuji RHPIII
25-9 Letchworth, United Kindom, June 2003/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Fuji RHPIII
25-10 Letchworth, United Kindom, June 2003/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Fuji RHPIII
25-11 Letchworth, United Kindom, June 2003/ Bessa R L-Pentax 43mm Fuji RHPIII
25-12 Letchworth, United Kindom, June 2003/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Fuji RHPIII

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