展示室26 - Photo Gallery 26
The Music Goes Around the Earth -



    Photography does not record sounds.  Nonetheless, the space where the music is heard might have warmth in it, the shadow of which might be remotely caught by photography.
    Music is the other hobby of mine.  I can hardly play instruments, thus I only listen to music.  When walking in the street, sometimes music is heard from afar, which makes me stop by.  It could be various types of music - classical, folk songs or blues.  Music adds human touch to the city that could be barren otherwise.  
    In this set, I would like to show you the cities in the world which I visited, where I shot photos while feeling music. Photos starts from North America, move to Europe and Asia, and end in Japan.

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.


1 独立記念日の野外コンサート(アメリカ・ボルチモア)
 − An Outdoor Concert on July 4th, Baltimore, Maryland, USA


2 シカゴ・シンフォニーのホールと星条旗 ― The Chicago Symphony Hall and the Star and Stripes

3 行進の太鼓 − A Colonial Marching Band, Port MacHenry, USA


4 コンサートホール − A Concert Hall, theBarbican Center, London
5 公園のリュート弾き − A Lutenist at Park Güell , Barcelona, Spain


6 コンサートの夜 − A Brass Ensemble in front of Berlin Radio Symphony Hall, Berlin

 アムステルダムのホール前 − In Front of  an Amsterdam Concert Hall


ウィーン郊外ホイリゲの歌うたい− The Singers at a Bistro, Suburbs of Wien

9 プラハのコンサート情報塔 − Concert Information Bulletin in Prague


10 カンボジアの笛吹き − The Piper in Cambodia


11 東京・恵比寿の祭りの和太鼓 − The Japanese Drum Convoy at a Festival, Ebisu, Tokyo


12 市民祭りのアルペンホルンの隊列 ― The Alpine Horns Lined up for Civic Festival, Kawasaki, Japan

Data <All images with "*" are digitized by Kodak Picture CD service from negatives;
All others were degitized by Kodak Photo CD service from prositives>

26-1* Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 1987/ Pentax 50mm Kodak Negative Film CA100
26-2 Chicago, Illinois, USA, November 2001/ Leica Minilux Summarit 40mm Kodak EBX
26-3* Port MacHenry, Maryland, USA, 1987/ Pentax 50mm Kodak Negative Film CA100
26-4 London, United Kindom, March 1998/ Leica Minilux Summarit 40mm Kodak EB-2
26-5 Barcelona, Spain, September 2003/ Leica Minilux Summarit 40mm Kodak EBX
26-6 Berlin, Germany, November 1999/ Leica Minilux Summarit 40mm Kodak EBX
26-7 Amsterdam, the Netherlands, March 2001/ Leica Minilux Summarit 40mm Kodak EBX
26-8 Wien, Austria, September 2003/ Leica Minilux Summarit 40mm Fuji RHPIII
26-9 Prague, Czech, September 2003/ Leica Minilux Summarit 40mm Fuji RHPIII
26-10 Phnom Penh, Cambodia, October 2002/ Leica Minilux Summarit 40mm Kodak EBX
26-11 Ebisu, Tokyo, Japan, July 1999/ Leica Minilux Summarit 40mm Kodak EBX
26-12 Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan, October 1999/ Leica Minilux Summarit 40mm Kodak EBX

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