展示室33 - Photo Gallery 33
Donaueschingen, The Origin of the Danube River, Germany
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 .    The Danube River, the largest in the western Europe, originates near the Black Forest in Germany, passes Germany, Austria, Czech, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria, and finally flashes to the Black Sea in Romania.  The total length is around 2,840 km.  In the German language, the name of the river is spelled Donau, while in English Danube.  There are quite a few well-known musical pieces, such as the Blue Danube Walts by Johann Strauss.
    There was a preposterous tour of visiting the length of the river from its origin to the estuary, and believe it or not, I took in part of this tour.  Entry to Europe was at Zurich, where we set out to the origin of the river by bus.  Subsequently, the group traveled by buys or boat all the way to Budapest, via Linz and Wien.  As the things were hectic in Yugoslavia, we skipped this part and flew to Romania, and went all the way down to where the Danube flashes to the Black Sea.
    This tour made me ponder about the relationship between the city and river.  In Japan a city often stands with its back to the river.  Thus rather unhandsome stuff, such as warehouses or factories, often build to the edge of a river.  In the Danube river area, the things are different - river and city goes along in good harmony.  Cities grow with the city hand in hand, and thereby I thought that the city faces square to the river.  
      Germany has a number of small cities and towns.  The origin of the Danube river is one of such small town called Donaueschingen near the southwestern edge of the country.  This small town is know for a festival of modern music, as well as for a few springs that makes part of the original flow of water that forms the Danube.  I spent delightful and easy time in this small town that flowed like the gentle water of the Danube.

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1 ドナウ源泉があるドナウエッシンゲンの城館 
A Donaueschingen Mansion where a Fountain originates the Danube


2  ドナウ城館の謁見 − 
A Military Ceremony at the Mansion

3 ドナウ城館の源泉 − 
The Donau Fountain at the Mansion

4 源泉の少女たち − 
Girls at the Donau Fountain

5 ドナウを見守る母子像 -
The Mother and Daughter Statue at the Donau Fountain


6 海まで2840キロ − Towards the sea 2840 km

7 もう一つの源泉、ユニペルスの泉 − The Junipers Fountain, Another Donau Fountain


8 ドナウエッシンゲンの地ビール − 
The Local Beer Server

9 窓枠の花々 − 
Flowers at the Windowsill 


10 アドラーレストランの飾り看板 ― 
The Decorative Metal Display at a Local Restaurant


11 青空に映える飾り看板 −The Decorative Display against the Blue Sky


12 庭は個性を競う ― 
Unique Garden Decoration

Data < All images are digitized by Kodak Photo CD service form positives, except for those with * which are digitized by Kodak Picture CD Service from negatives. >
33-1 Schloss, Donaueschingen, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2
33-2 Schloss, Donaueschingen, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2
33-3 Donauquelle, Donaueschingen, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2
33-4 Donauquelle, Donaueschingen, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2
33-5 Donauquelle, Donaueschingen, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2
33-6* Donauquelle, Donaueschingen, Germany June 1996/ Niokon Teletouch 35 - 65 mm KDK G100-5
33-7 Juniperusquelle, Donaueschingen, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2
33-8* Guesthouse Adler, Donaueschingen, Germany June 1996/ Niokon Teletouch 35 - 65 mm KDK G100-5
33-9 Near Juniperusquelle, Donaueschingen, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2
33-10* Guesthouse Adler, Donaueschingen, Germany June 1996/ Niokon Teletouch 35 - 65 mm KDK G100-5
33-1*1 Guesthouse Adler, Donaueschingen, Germany June 1996/ Niokon Teletouch 35 - 65 mm KDK G100-5
33-12 Near Juniperusquelle, Donaueschingen, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2

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