展示室35 - Photo Gallery 35
Old Cities where the Danube River runs; Ingolstadt, Regensburg & Passau, Germany
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    The journey of the Danube river goes on. We traveled in the Bavarian Province, a southeastern part of Germany, along the Danube river.  After the first stop in Dnauworth, we visited three historical cities.
    The first city was Ingolstadt, where we visited a Romanesque church stood out near the Danube and the stone castle.  The stone bridge of Regensburg is the oldest stone bridge over the Danube.  Also in Regensburg was a Gothic style church with twin towers, comparable only to the Cathedral of Koln.  Passau near the Austrian border, the place where the archbishop was placed for long, showed the trace of prosperity of a commercial city due to the location at the confluence of three rivers here.  This was typically felt in the gorgeous and magnificent decoration of the old Cathedral.  

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1 「若きドナウ」像 
The Statue of Young Danub, Donauworth


2  クラインガルテン(市民農園) − 
A Kleingarten in Gunzburg

3 白いロマネスク教会 − 
White Romanesque Church, Ingolstadt

4 インゴルシュタットの新城館 − 
The New Castle of Ingolstadt

5 レーゲンスブルクの大聖堂 − The Cathedral in Regensburg


6 日曜日朝の町並み - An Empty Street in the Sunday Afternoon

7 レーゲンスブルク・石の橋− The Stone Bridge of Regensburg


8 ドナウ川の防御 −Protection on the Danube River, Passau 

9 パッサウのシュテファン大聖堂 − The Steven Cathedral, Passau 


10 絢爛たるバロック装飾 −Gorgeous Baroque Style Decoration  


11 大司教居館の広場 ― Square at Archbishop's Residence


12  ドナウの犠牲者碑 ― 
The Object for the Victims of the Danube

Data < All images are digitized by Kodak Photo CD service form positives/negatives, except for those with * which are digitized by Kodak Picture CD Service from negatives. >

35-1 Donauworth, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2
35-2* Gunzburg, Germany, June 1996/ Niokon Teletouch 35 - 65 mm KDK G100-5
35-3 Ingolstadt, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2
35-4 Ingolstadt, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2
35-5 Regensburg, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2
35-6 Regensburg, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2
35-7* Regensburg, Germany, June 1996/ Niokon Teletouch 35 - 65 mm KDK G100-5
35-8* Passau, Germany June 1996/ Niokon Teletouch 35 - 65 mm KDK G100-5
35-9* Passau, Germany June 1996/ Niokon Teletouch 35 - 65 mm KDK G100-5
35-10 Passau, Germany June 1996/ Niokon Teletouch 35 - 65 mm KDK G100-5
35-11 Passau, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2
35-12 Passau, Germany June 1996/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak EB-2

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