展示室48 - Photo Gallery 48
The Hundred-Spired City; Prague, Czeck Republic

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 チェコ共和国の首都、プラハ。モルダウのほとりの小都市プラハは、10世紀以降ボヘミア国の首都 であったが、この都市をヨーロッパでも有数なゴチックの町に大きく改造したのはカレル4世(在位1346-78)と言われる。 モルダウのかかる美しい石橋カレル橋もこのときに造られたたものだ。
 プラハ城からくだりカレル橋を渡ると旧市街に入る。路地を抜けていくと市 役所が現れる。壁面にある二つの金属円盤を持つ天文時計が印象的だ。旧市街の中心は広大な広場で、その奥 にあるティーン教会の二つの塔は不思議な形をしている。旧市街の建築にはゴチック様式のものが多いが、建築博物館とも呼ば れるように様々な様式の古い建物が残されている。

    Prague is the capital of Czeck Republic.  This small town of Prague became the capital of Bohemia in 10th century, but it was under the rule of Charles IV (rule 1346-78) that this city was reborn into a glamorous gothic city.  The beautiful stone bridge named after this king was also built in this era.
    Walking down from the Prague Castle on a hill and crossing the Charles bidge, you come into the historic town of Prague.  At the end of a small lane is the old City Hall.  You will not miss it because the building has two huge metal disc that compose the astronomical clock.  After the clock is the old spatious square, on one side of which is the Gothic Church of Our Lady before Tyn, which has peculiar looking twin towers.  In the historic district, not only gothic, but also various styles of archtecture is to be seen, which is why the city is called an archtectural museum city.
    The historic district of Prague was registered in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1992.

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1 プラハの眺望 − The Overview of Prague

2 聖ヴィート教会 −  St. Vitus Church

3 教会内部 −  Inside St. Vitus Church

4 カレル橋 − 
Side View of Charles Bridge

5 橋塔から見下ろすカレル橋 − Charles Bridge from Bridge Tower


6 旧市街の路地 - A Lane in Old Town

7 ゴシックな眺め− A Gothic View of Old Town


8 天文時計 −The Astronomical Clock at City Hall

ヨゼホフを歩く −  A Walk in Josefov, the Jewish Town


10 ユダヤ人の町ヨゼホフ −Ceremonial Hall, Josefov


11 ショッピング通り  ― A Shopping Street


12 音楽の町 ―
The Town of Music, Prague

Data < All images are digitized by Kodak Photo CD service form positives/negatives. >
48-1 Historic District, Prague, Czeck Republic, September 2003/ Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHPIII
48-2 Historic District, Prague, Czeck Republic, September 2003/ Bessa L Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
48-3 Historic District, Prague, Czeck Republic, September 2003/ Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHPIII
48-4 Charles Bridge, Prague, Czeck Republic, September 2003/ Bessa L Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
48-5 Charles Bridge, Prague, Czeck Republic, September 2003/ Bessa L Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
48-6 Historic District, Prague, Czeck Republic, September 2003/ Bessa L Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
48-7 Historic District, Prague, Czeck Republic, September 2003/ Bessa L Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
48-8 Historic District, Prague, Czeck Republic, September 2003/ Bessa L Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
48-9 Josefov, Prague, Czeck Republic, September 2003/ Bessa L Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
48-10 Josefov, Prague, Czeck Republic, September 2003/ Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHPIII
48-11 Historic District, Prague, Czeck Republic, September 2003/ Bessa L Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
48-12 Historic District, Prague, Czeck Republic, September 2003/ Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHPIII

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