展示室5 - Photo Gallery 5
A Town with a Canal - Camden Town in London

(Camden Town, London, UK; Year 1999 & 2003)

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物流で栄えた。その後、内陸水運の衰えと共に、町も寂れていった。ジョージ・オーウェルはカムデンに下宿して Down and Out in London and Parisを物した。

Camden is only minutes away from the center of London, if you take the subway Northern Line to the north. The Regent Canal run through Camden Town, so did the national rail. There were a a number of warehouses. Camden is a place for transshipment of cargoes. With a decline of inland water transport, Camden Town declined its momentum. George Orwell lodged in Camden Town, and wrote "
Down and Out in London and Paris".
With a free flow of the young seeking to lodge there, Camden gradually became a fashionable and artistic city. Camden today houses a variety of shops, ranging from cabarets, bistros, studios, pop art ateliers, fashion outlets, punky hair salons, antique shops etc.
Camden is lively in week ends. There are a few markets in Camden, most of which are open only in week ends. On weekdays, the town is mostly quiet, but the same town becomes a magnet of funky youngsters in black, wearing colorfully dyed hair. Walking in Camden in week ends with a camera, it feels like one is mistakenly stepped in a funky pop culture.


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1 リージェント運河 ― The Regent Canal

2 平日の街角  ― The Town on a Week Day

3 ヒッチハイク ― A Hitch Hiker


4 週末の通り ― A Street in the Week End


5 水門の見物客 ― People Watching Canal Gates


6 チャリティー ― Charity


7 買い物客 − Shppers


8 橋上にて ― On the Bridge


9 屋外マーケット ― An Outdoor Market


10 ストリート・ミュージシャン ― A Street Musician


11 ライブハウス ― A Caberet


12 サイキック ― Psychic

 Data <All images are degitized by Kodak Photo CD service>

5-1 Camden, London, United Kingdom, June 2003/ Bessa R 25mm Fuji RHP III
5-2 Camden, London, United Kingdom, June 2003/ Bessa R 43mm Fuji RHP III
5-3 Camden, London, United Kingdom, June 2003/ Bessa R 43mm Fuji RHP III
5-4 Camden, London, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film TBD
5-5 Camden, London, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film TBD
5-6 Camden, London, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film TBD
5-7 Camden, London, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film TBD
5-8 Camden, London, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film TBD
5-9 Camden, London, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film TBD
5-10 Camden, London, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film TBD
5-11 Camden, London, United Kingdom, June 2003/ Bessa R 43mm Fuji RHP III
5-12 Camden, London, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film TBD

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