展示室51 - Photo Gallery 51
Unbelievable!  The World with Wonders -


 このサイト、「ぶらパチ写真館・ユーラシア」をオープンしたのが2003年9月24日ですから、はや1周年を迎えました。展示 室が51、世界22カ国をとりあげました。皆様のご支援、感謝しております。今回は、一周年を記念して、あまたある「ボツ」の写真を集めて世界不思議発見 風にまとまてみました。
 こうしてみると、世界は不可思議な光景に満ち溢れています。ユーモアや過剰なサービス精神が透けて見え、微笑ましい光景もあれば、なぜか可笑しい真面目 な光景もあります。ただ、とりわけ「アンビリーバボー」な光景は、内戦やテロかもしれません。この最後のカテゴリーの

    I opened this home page, "Trot 'n Shoot Photography - Eurasia"  on September 24, 2003, and so one full year has passed.  I took up 22 countries around the world in 51 galleries.  As an anniversary issue, I put up "unbelievable" photos out of all the photos that had been turned down.
    Looking over, the world is full of wonders, I thought.  Some are humorous or simply excessive, others are wondrous and puzzling.  Amongst others, the most unbelievable are those associated with terrorism or civil conflict.  This last category should be eradicated on the surface of the world once and for all, I hope.

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.


1 壁から蛇口 − A faucet in a wrong place

2 三銃士のかたわれ -  One of the three Musketeer? 

3 ピンク・パンカー − A Pink Punker


4 寒い中何してるの − What are you doing in the cold
5 足で電気着けられるよ − I can put on lights with my foot


6 ここはどこ、コレは何 − What's this, where am I? 

 氷 壁を登る、ん?  − In Climbing up the ice wall ?


8 ノリノリのセクシーダンス− Sexy dancers like crazy

9 モノ・レール? − A mono-rail track? 


10 江戸村忍術士 − The Edo-village Ninja


11 ポルポトの館 −  The House of Pol Poto


12 15年前のニューヨーク ― New York, 15 years before the incident

Data <All images with "*" are digitized by Kodak Picture CD service from negatives;
Images with # are dititized by Fuji Digital Service;
All others were degitized by Kodak Photo CD service from prositives>

51-1 Leiden, the Netherlands, August 2000/ Bessa R Elmar 35mm Kodak EBX
51-2 Tower of London, London, UK, June 2003/ Bessa R Pentax L43mm Fuji RHPIII
51-3 Camden, London, UK, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak ED-3
51-4 The Bank of Ishim, Astana, Kazakhstan, Decmber 2000/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
51-5 Schuchinsk, Kazakhstan, May 2001/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
51-6* New Delhi, India, 1988/ Pentax MX 50mm Kodak CA100
51-7 Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan, November 2001/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
51-8# Kanda, Tokyo, Japan, November 2003/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EB-3
51-9 Shimokita, Aomori, Japan, August 2001/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
51-10 Edo-mura, Tochigi, Japan, August 2000/ Bessa R Elmar 35mm Kodak EBX
51-11 Toul Sleng Museum, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 2004/  Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHPIII
51-11* New York, United States of America, 1987/ Pentax MX 50mm Kodak CA100

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