展示室6 - Photo Gellery
ロンドナーのロンドンー The Lodoner's London
(London, United Kingdom, Year 1999 & 2003)

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残念ながらロンドンに暮らしたことはないが、 ロンドンに住んでみたらどのようなロンドンと遭遇するだろうか。
 実際には旅行者であるのだが、人間のやることは同じだろうとばかり、 ロンドナーになったつもりで、暮らしの臭いのする都市の姿を追ってみた。 

 London is an international city. It remains to be the center of political economy and culture of England, despite the reported decline of England.
There are a number of tourist attractions, such as the Tower of London, Parliament, Westminster etc. But these are not the only components of London. A new urban cent is emerging, and new buildings with bizzare design are being built day in day out This is how London is. Old townscape is there, with narrow and humane lanes where markets take place. That is also how London is.
Regretfully, I have never lived in London. What would London look like if you have a residence there?
Although in reality I am a tourist, and strolled in London as if I were a Londoner. Assuming that what humans would do would not be so different., I looked for a London with a touch of human living therein.

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1. ファーマーズ・マーケット ― A Farmers' Market

2. 食料 ― Food

ハッピーアワー ― Happy Hours


4. テムズの船 ― A Ship on the Thames


5. タクシー ― Taxis


6. ショッピング ― Shopping


骨董 − An Antique Lover


8. テラス・ハウス ― Terraced Houses


趣味 ― A Hobby


10ストリート・ミュージシャン ― A Street Musician


11. 路地 ― A Lane


12. 対話 ― Dialogue

Data <All images are degitized by Kodak Photo CD service>
6-1 London, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film TBD
6-2 Camden, London, United Kingdom, June 2003/ Bessa R Pentax L43mm Fuji RHP III
6-3 Camden, London, United Kingdom, June 2003/ Bessa R 25mm Fuji RDP III
6-4 London, United Kingdom, June 2003/ Bessa R 25mm Fuji RDP III
6-5 London, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film TBD
6-6 Camden, London, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film TBD
6-7 Notting Gate Hill, London, United Kingdom, June 2003/ Bessa R Pentax L43mm Fuji RHP III
6-8 Near Hyde Park, London, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film TBD
6-9 Oxford Street, London, United Kingdom, June 2003/ Bessa R Pentax L43mm Fuji RHP III
6-10 Camden, London, United Kingdom, March 1999/ Contax T2 35mm Kodak Film TBD
6-11 Near Oxford Street, London, United Kingdom, June 2003/ Bessa R 25mm Fuji RDP III
6-12 Canary Wharf, London, United Kingdom, June 2003/ Bessa R Pentax L43mm Fuji RHP II

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